Anyways, I posted some pictures of some pizza I made the other night with wheat dough. The difference this time was that I ground my own wheat (well Andrew did most of it) with a hand grinder and mixed it by hand (Andrew really did help a lot :). So, now I know how to make pizza using my food storage and no electricity! I'll post the recipe and I'll try to describe how to do it but if you want there's a DVD these ladies made you can buy from their site.
10 1/2 cups bread flour or wheat flour
1 T salt
3 heaping Tablespoons of yeast
1/2 cup honey (or you can use sugar)
3 T Soy lethicin (it's too sticky for normal Tablespoons so she just squeezes 3 quarter size blogs into the dough)
3 cups very hot tap water
First you get all your dry ingredients (flour, salt, and yeast)-kitchen aid I've heard can only handle half a batch at a time. A bosch works the best or you can do it by hand like me :)
Then add the soy lethicin and honey and then 3 cups of hot water. Once the 3 cups is mixed in if it looks too dry add more water. The dough consistancy should be pretty soft and easy to work with (softer than normal dough you would make). After all the waters in let it knead (in the bosch or by hand) for five minutes with bread flour and ten with wheat flour. Then the dough is done and ready for whatever you want to make. But I really suggest getting the DVD because it tells you how to make rolls, pizza, desserts, buns, and so much more. It's great. Plus they explain much better how to make the dough.
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